Sunday, June 19, 2011


 While out with a friend of mine who is also a client this week, he shared with me that after the death of his wife 8 years ago any involvement he might have with another woman had to adhere to one rule: She did not have children of her own. He was determined not to have his offspring saddled with the daunting task to merge with another woman’s family. He had insight, which I lacked primarily because I did not have children of my own. 

Time heals all wounds I thought as it applied to my own situation but I realized that I would never get close to another woman’s children again other than to be a witness she can share with. I refuse to give my heart, soul and finances to another man’s responsibility. Call it callous, call it selfish I have done myself an injustice thinking I was anything more than just a figurehead and custodian for the egocentric who were just as quick to move in with me when it suited them as to leave me by the side of the road when their own needs had been sated. The anger I feel consumes me.  Never again will I take on another man’s burden. No one will be in my bedroom except my partner and me.


Anonymous said...

You have reached the age where any woman you are involved with (unless you intend to rob the cradle)should have adult children. Responsible adults support themselves.

You are going through the stages of grief. anger being one of them. This too shall pass. (Elisabeth Kubler Ross) said...

Well then they better live in another state.