Friday, December 24, 2010

The Dunce

In the female world from my set of bi focal glasses I am held hostage on a number of fronts.  As a stepfather, it is not what I have done it is what I am failing at now that makes the daily headlines. Only today my wife didn’t like the way I was handling my stepson’s double speculations about his and his wife’s lives going forward.  His biological father is nowhere on the radar screen to weigh in albeit one slice of American cheese, yet my attitudes are given the scrutiny of a mollycoddling mother that just never wants her little boy to ever grow up even though she will never admit that. The second front that bedevils me each and every day, my own intelligence. It is a curse and for all those claims that I am a genius, I am the biggest dope in the corner of the classroom with the dunce cap firmly planted on my oversized noggin.    

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