Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Compost Pile

After seeing my new therapist last night, I might have been left with the feeling that I am being taken for granted. I am the only one working at present in this household, footing all the bills.  I don’t get molly coddled enough. I have virtually bankrupted myself keeping this albatross around my neck.  I am not blaming anyone for my economic situation but I would like just a little more consideration and moral support just so I know that they know. Lucky for me my higher power has blessed me with great talent so I will always be able to generate money.

 I refuse to let the resentments that used to consume me overtake my resolve, because I know that God didn’t take me this far to drop me on my head or those that depend on me to keep a roof over their heads. And as I look out over the landscape in my backyard blanketed with fallen leaves I intuitively know that I am not destined for the compost pile, not yet anyway.

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