Sunday, April 4, 2010

Step Back

Step back Step Dad. I love the fact that I have given up the chase, chasing my own tail that is.  There comes a time when my own masculinity takes a firmer hold when I stop and realize that I don’t have to be the lead dog when it comes to shepherding my step children. Their mother has been at it much longer than I and even though there is some aspects of parenting I think I can do better it’s best I leave it to the pro that my wife is.  She raised three children virtually by herself because her ex-husband wasn’t cut out for the job of being a father. No judgment some men are not up to the task just like I wasn’t blessed to have my own biological children he wasn’t cut out to be a dad. That doesn’t mean that I have to put on his shoes because I cannot. So for now as it nears that my last step child and his wife leave the nest I will slow my pace and follow the lead of my wife’s slippers. 

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