Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Unhappy Boy

Has the interval of time without my stepson and daughter in law been a relief to me?  As I have written the functions of dishwasher, washer, dryer, television, electric lights, shower and running dish water all have had a precipitous decline.For instance it is the third day and the dishwasher has not been filled yet. When it is the four of us it runs daily.   But more than a household that runs a bit quieter I find myself in the curious position of being alone with my wife albeit with 6 felines. I have to admit that the conversation between us lives only when I inflate it. On a rare occasion over the last three weeks, my wife has had sporadic conversational bursts but for the most part she is silent engaged deeply in her craft of bracelets and necklaces that has occupied her time just as if she were a working girl again. Make no mistake I am happy for her and I am not complaining about the lack of attention but I do wish that she was a little more cognizant that I am not a happy boy.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JB -

Sometimes to be alone with one's thoughts, can be moments of bliss. Then again, we all want and hope for that desire of conversation to trigger a memory or charm of sentimental joy.

Don't be an unhappy boy, JB. Be a boy who sees the grace in your wife and the purring felines that saunter around your home. Grace is priceless. (As is the connection to the animal kingdom)

Happiness is where you find it. Walking down a tree lined street. Or, tapping away on a keyboard.



(Although a breed may be a Russian Blue, the emerald eyes are that of a lucky shamrock...)