Friday, February 26, 2010

Bath of Fire

The second edition of self-actualization came when I started to assume the role of a stepfather.  It was a role that I had no experience in because I had no biological children of my own.  In a sense it was a bath by fire and pardon the pun but I did get burned on more than one occasion.  Being a step parent helped me to become more of a full person rather than just a single man that traipsed through women’s lives without much more positive regard for them than I had for myself. I lived a selfish existence and my life was all about me. How could I be successful in business and have fun was my mantra. I gave little thought to bringing meaningful contributions to another or significant others.  As long as I was happy, I hoped that the woman I was infatuated with was reasonably happy as well but only if she could satisfy my own personal and physical as well as emotional needs shallow as they might be.   

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