Sunday, February 14, 2010

The High Hurdles

I am getting used to the hurdles in my path and I have been complaining about them for quite some time to no avail. I came to the realization that this tact does not work. I knew it didn’t but I seemed to want to cling to it for some ungodly reason, I guess I thought it would soften the blow of just how uncomfortable I feel. Well it has not and instead I am taking the route of acceptance and leaving the minutiae of my family’s behavior totally to themselves. This lessens my responsibility greatly. I will no longer allow the challenge of my stepchildren to weigh upon me psychologically or financially. It serves no purpose other than to have me worry about some projection that has no clear image. I will spend this time loving them and it will release more time for my own creativity as how to make the best of the times I find myself in. Oh the hurdles they’re still there but the track is clearing at the far turn.

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