When we were wrong we promptly admitted it. Last night I fell back on my promise to myself that I would cease and desist in any complaining that I had about my stepson who I love dearly.
I got it in my head that he was taking too long in the shower and this just a few days after receiving a water bill that was 10 times its normal size. I had at the time asked him in particular to exercise a little restraint in terms of the length of those showers that he so loves to luxuriate in. I was justified I thought to myself when I called him to task on it but it landed on my gentle stepson like a ton of bricks even though I thought I proceeded with my admonishment in a firm but even tone. I chose to vent instead of letting it eat me inside. A day later and it was time to seek him out for my apology.
And of course it wasn’t about the water it was the financial insecurity that rears its head every so often in my alcoholic brain.
When wrong, promptly admitted it. And before this post I will have told him so.