Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The second night  of being alone, brings with it a freedom and yet its own prison as well.  The concentration of time alone with my wife has challenges of where we are going after our 12 year journey. We have not looked at our situation since we moved here some 7 years ago.  That of course will bear closer examination. I have lamented that the excuses are aplenty when it comes to her son and patience shorter than a cigarette match when I start to complain.  
  I have been so absorbed in being angry and resentful of my stepson that I no longer have his presence to be concerned with at least for the next ten weeks anyway.  His sense of taking responsibility will hit him right between the eyes when he returns and I think this time my wife will make sure he will have little time to walk around in his underwear and playing video games. His mother cited just the other day that his elder sister works three jobs to make money. He was incredulous at the thought and his slothful response was that one job was just enough for anyone.  So much less time this time come October will I spend ruminating about how he is not contributing. I will make sure over the next 70 days that my wife and I have a united front, within 24 hours of his arrival back from the ancient world of the Orient. 

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